
How do i help my husband become more playful in the bedroom?

It's great that you're looking for ways to spice up your sex life with your husband and help him become more playful in the bedroom! Here are a few tips to try:

1. Talk openly: First and foremost, have an open and honest conversation with your husband about what you're looking for in the bedroom. Explain that you're excited about exploring new things and want to try being more playful together. Be clear about what you mean by "playful" so you can both get on the same page.

2. Try something new: Suggest trying a new position or incorporating a sex toy to add some variety to your usual routine. You could also experiment with role-playing or other forms of sexual fantasy to help your husband feel more playful.

3. Build anticipation: Try leaving a note or sending a flirty text message that hints at what you have in mind for later in the evening. This can help build excitement and anticipation, and encourage your husband to get into a more playful mindset.

4. Focus on pleasure: Try shifting the focus away from orgasm or achieving a certain outcome, and instead focus on enjoying the moment and experiencing pleasure together. Encourage your husband to let go of any self-consciousness and just enjoy the experience.

5. Take small steps: If your husband is hesitant or resistant to being more playful, remember that it's okay to take things slowly and explore at your own pace. Be patient and supportive, and let your husband know that you're there to help him feel comfortable and confident.

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