
Really love my wife and kid's can't focus even at work if she's ignore me sometime?

It's clear that you deeply care about your wife and children, and it can be challenging when you feel ignored by her at times. Here are some suggestions to address this issue and improve your relationship:

1. Open communication: Talk to your wife about how you feel. Choose a calm and appropriate time to express your concerns and emotions. Share with her that her occasional neglect affects your ability to concentrate at work, as you are worried about the state of your relationship.

2. Active listening: During this conversation, make sure to actively listen to your wife's perspective as well. Understand her reasons for occasionally ignoring you, and try to empathize with her emotions or challenges. This will help foster understanding and collaboration.

3. Quality time together: Plan regular quality time with your wife and children. This will not only allow you to reconnect and strengthen your bond, but it will also create a sense of security within the family. Engage in activities that you all enjoy and make sure to show genuine interest in each other's lives.

4. Support and appreciation: Show your wife that you appreciate her and value her role in your life. Offer support in her daily responsibilities and actively participate in family matters. Small gestures like helping with household chores or surprising her with a thoughtful gift can go a long way in making her feel loved and cherished.

5. Seek professional help if needed: If the issue persists or becomes more serious, consider seeking guidance from a professional couples therapist or marriage counselor. They can provide objective advice and offer tools to improve communication and address any underlying issues.

Remember, relationships require effort and understanding from both partners. By openly communicating, spending quality time together, and showing appreciation, you can work towards resolving the issue and strengthening your bond with your wife.

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