
The men l find are only interested in sex than getting to know each other lack of communication l have to be the on ask questions so to get to know the do l go about find the right one who is open minded like me.?

It can be frustrating when you keep encountering individuals who are more interested in physical intimacy rather than building a meaningful connection. However, it's important to remember that not all men are the same, and there are certainly those who are looking for a deeper connection.

Here are some suggestions to help you find someone who is open-minded and interested in getting to know you:

1. Reflect on your own intentions: Before seeking a compatible partner, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you truly want in a relationship. Make a list of your core values, interests, and relationship goals. This will help you attract someone who is aligned with your values.

2. Expand your social circles: Try to widen your social circles by participating in activities and joining communities that align with your interests. This will increase the probability of meeting like-minded individuals who are more likely to share your mindset about relationships.

3. Take the initiative: Instead of waiting for others to approach you, take the initiative to strike up conversations and ask questions. Show genuine interest in getting to know the person on a deeper level. By being proactive, you can filter out individuals who aren't interested in meaningful connections.

4. Communicate your intentions: Make it clear early on that you are looking for a partner who values open-mindedness and emotional connection. By expressing your intentions honestly, you are more likely to attract individuals who are seeking the same kind of relationship.

5. Patience is key: Finding the right person takes time. It's important to be patient and not settle for anyone who doesn't meet your criteria for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Keep in mind that true compatibility and connection often require time to develop.

6. Seek professional help if needed: If you find that your patterns are still not changing, you might want to consider seeking guidance from a love coach, therapist, or counselor. They can provide you with personalized strategies and advice to help you attract the right partner.

Remember, finding the right person is about compatibility and shared values. By being clear about your intentions, actively seeking connections, and staying patient, you are more likely to attract someone who is open-minded and interested in building a genuine connection with you.

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