
There's this guy l met on a dating site,l do really like him a lot but l think he's not that into me....we spoke on watsaap then he disappeared.. how can l win him back l do really like him l guess the reason being he owns a motors spares company,properties has a big house and cars am just a domesti?

I understand that you really like this guy and would like to win him back. It can be disheartening when someone you're interested in suddenly disappears. However, it's important to remember that you deserve someone who reciprocates your feelings and treats you with respect and value.

Here are some steps you can take:

1. Give him some space: If he has disappeared, it's essential to give him some time and space to figure out his own feelings. Bombarding him with messages or constantly trying to get his attention may push him further away.

2. Reflect on your own worth: It's important to recognize your own self-worth and not base it solely on someone's material possessions or circumstances. Your value is not determined by comparing yourself to someone else's achievements or possessions. Believe in yourself and focus on your own personal growth and happiness.

3. Communicate your feelings: After giving him some space, reach out and express your feelings honestly. Let him know that you enjoyed getting to know him and were interested in exploring a potential relationship. However, also express your concerns about feeling like he may not be as into you. Clear and open communication is vital for any healthy relationship.

4. Focus on your own personal growth: While waiting for his response, focus on yourself. Engage in activities you enjoy, spend time with friends and family, and invest in your own personal growth and happiness. This will not only help you build your confidence but also show him that you have a fulfilling life beyond the relationship.

5. Be open to other possibilities: While it's understandable that you have feelings for this guy, be open to the idea of meeting new people. Don't limit yourself to one person just based on their material possessions. Give yourself the opportunity to explore different connections and see if someone genuinely appreciates and values you for who you are.

Remember, you deserve someone who appreciates and values you for who you are, and material possessions should not be the primary basis for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

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