
He says he is attached but not in love with me?

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this situation. It can be difficult when someone you care about tells you they are attached but not in love with you. Here are a few suggestions on how to handle this:

1. Communicate openly: Have an open and honest conversation with your partner about their feelings. Ask them to clarify what they mean by being attached but not in love. This will help you better understand the situation and decide on the next steps.

2. Assess your own feelings: Take some time to reflect on your own feelings towards your partner. Are you in love with them? Can you continue the relationship knowing that they might not feel the same way? It's important to be self-aware and honest with yourself.

3. Discuss expectations: Discuss your expectations for the relationship with your partner. Talk about what you both want and need from each other. If there is a mismatch in expectations, it's necessary to address it and find a solution.

4. Seek professional help: If you find it challenging to navigate this situation on your own, you may consider seeking the guidance of a couples therapist or a relationship coach. A professional can provide tools and strategies to help you both work through the situation.

5. Evaluate the relationship: Take a step back and evaluate whether the relationship is healthy and fulfilling for both of you. It's important to be with someone who values and loves you as much as you do them. If the relationship is not meeting your emotional needs, it may be necessary to consider moving on.

Remember, every situation is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. It's crucial to prioritize your own happiness and emotional well-being. Keep the lines of communication open and be honest with yourself and your partner about your feelings.

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