
If he block and distance from you does he still love me?

I understand that it can be very confusing and painful when someone you love blocks and distances themselves from you. While I cannot determine the exact emotions of someone else, I can provide some insights that might help you understand the situation better.

1. Communication is key: If someone is blocking and distancing themselves from you, it is important to have open and honest communication about your concerns. Express your feelings calmly and ask them why they have taken this action. Your partner might be going through something personal that they haven't yet shared with you.

2. Respect their space: Sometimes, people need time and space to sort out their thoughts and emotions. Pushing them or trying to force contact might only result in further distancing. Give them the time they need and respect their decision for space.

3. Reflect on the relationship: Take this opportunity to reflect on your relationship as a whole. Are there any underlying issues that may have contributed to the distance? Evaluate if there are any changes you can make to improve the relationship dynamics.

4. Seek support: Surround yourself with friends or loved ones who can provide emotional support during this challenging time. Talking about your feelings can help relieve some of the emotional burden.

5. Self-improvement: Focus on personal growth and self-care. Use this time to invest in your own well-being and pursue interests and hobbies that make you happy. Engaging in personal development can also help boost your self-esteem and confidence.

6. Consider professional help: If the distance and blocking continue for a prolonged period and negatively affect your well-being, it may be beneficial to seek professional guidance from a therapist or counselor. They can offer objective insights and support you in navigating this challenging situation.

Remember, every relationship is unique, and the reasons behind someone's actions can vary greatly. It's important to have open and honest communication to gain clarity on the situation.

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