
If he block all social media while he came bck after giving him space for about 9 months?

If your partner has blocked all social media after coming back from a 9-month break, it may indicate that there are underlying issues or concerns that need to be addressed. Here are a few steps you can take to navigate this situation:

1. Communication: Reach out to your partner directly and express your concern about the sudden blocking of social media. Start an open and honest dialogue to understand why they took this action. Avoid accusations or getting defensive during this conversation.

2. Give them space: If your partner needs some time alone, respect their decision. Appreciate the fact that they have communicated their need for space. Use this time to focus on yourself, your personal growth, and understanding your own feelings.

3. Reflect on the relationship: During this time apart, reflect on the relationship and evaluate whether it is healthy, fulfilling, and aligned with your values and goals. Consider if the relationship is worth pursuing further or if it's better for both of you to move on.

4. Seek professional help: If the relationship has been fraught with problems, seeking professional guidance might be helpful. Couples therapy or individual counseling can provide a safe space to address deeper issues and help you both communicate effectively.

5. Focus on personal growth: Regardless of the outcome, use this period of separation to focus on your own self-improvement. Engage in activities that bring you joy, reconnect with friends and family, and engage in self-care practices to nurture your emotional well-being.

Remember, no one can make decisions about your relationship apart from you and your partner. It's essential to have open and honest communication in order to understand each other's needs and work towards a resolution.

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