
Direct hints a 40 year woman give when she loves you secretly but hiding it.?

When a 40-year-old woman secretly loves you but is hiding it, she may display a few indirect hints that can give away her true feelings. Here are some signs to look out for:

1. Increased attention: She might make an effort to spend more time with you, initiate conversations, or try to find common interests. This shows that she enjoys your company and wants to connect with you on a deeper level.

2. Frequent eye contact: If she consistently maintains eye contact with you, it could be a sign of attraction and interest. Eye contact is often an indicator that someone is genuinely engaged in a conversation or drawn to a person.

3. Acts nervous or shy around you: A woman who likes you secretly might exhibit signs of nervousness or shyness when you are around. Blushing, fidgeting, or stuttering are some common behaviors indicating that she is trying to hide her feelings.

4. Subtle physical contact: She might find excuses to touch you subtly, such as brushing against your arm or shoulders. These small gestures can be a way for her to feel closer to you without revealing her true intentions.

5. Initiating personal conversations: If she begins opening up about her personal life or sharing intimate details with you, this could indicate that she trusts you and wants to create a deeper emotional connection.

6. Jealousy or discomfort when you mention other women: If she shows signs of jealousy or becomes slightly uncomfortable when you talk about other women in your life, it might imply that she has stronger feelings but is trying to hide them.

7. Remembering small details: A woman secretly in love may pay close attention to even the tiniest details you mentioned about yourself. If she recalls things you've shared in past conversations, it shows that she is genuinely interested and invested in getting to know you better.

Remember, though these hints might suggest hidden feelings, they are not conclusive evidence. It is essential to have open and honest communication with the person in question to ensure clarity and avoid misunderstandings.

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