
A woman older than me 12 years used to talk and laugh with me but now she speaks less and try to see me a lot with deep eye contact and bite her lips while talking. when i ask her to sit beside me she refuses and go away and when i talk act differently and appears irritated. why she is doing this?

It sounds like there may be some confusion or mixed signals in the situation with the woman older than you. It's important to remember that I can only speculate on the possible reasons behind her behavior based on the information provided, as I don't have all the details.

One possibility is that she may be unsure about her feelings for you. Her change in behavior, such as speaking less and appearing irritated, could indicate internal conflict or uncertainty. Additionally, her refusal to sit beside you and the deep eye contact could suggest that she may be attracted to you, but is hesitant to act on those feelings due to the age difference or other personal reasons.

It might be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with her about your observations and concerns. Approach the conversation with empathy and understanding, expressing that you have noticed a change in her behavior and asking if there is something bothering her.

Remember to listen attentively and without judgment when she shares her thoughts and feelings. It's important to maintain clear and respectful communication throughout the conversation.

Ultimately, it is her decision whether she wants to open up and share what she may be going through. If she does choose to confide in you, be supportive and understanding, giving her the space and time she needs to figure out her own feelings.

However, it's essential to keep in mind that she may not be ready or willing to disclose everything, and that's okay. Respect her boundaries, and if she indicates that she wants some space, give her the necessary room to process her emotions.

In any case, patience, understanding, and clear communication are key when trying to navigate these kinds of situations.

~ generated by ChatGPT

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