
Now she avoids to make any contact with me and even we both have not seen each other for 2 months. she didn't even call or text me. but i always miss her. now she is going away for more 2 months and she would not definitely be any contact with me . then how can i finish my feelings and emotions?

I understand that it can be incredibly difficult to be in a situation where you miss someone but they are not reciprocating the same level of contact or interest. It's important for you to prioritize your own emotional well-being and take steps towards finding closure and moving on. Here are some steps you can take to help finish your feelings and emotions:

1. Acceptance: Acknowledge that the relationship may not have a future and that it's time to let go. Understand that it's okay to feel sad or disappointed, but remember that your happiness should not solely depend on someone else's presence in your life.

2. Create distance: Take a break from any form of contact with her, including social media. Constantly seeing reminders of her can prolong the healing process and make it harder for you to move on. Focus on your own personal growth and spend time with friends and family who support you.

3. Process your emotions: Allow yourself to experience and process your feelings without judgment. Write down your thoughts in a journal or confide in a trusted friend or therapist. It's important to release these emotions rather than bottling them up.

4. Engage in self-care: Focus on activities that bring you joy and help you feel good about yourself. Take up a new hobby, exercise regularly, or indulge in activities that promote self-growth and self-love. Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally will help in the healing process.

5. Set goals and make plans: Look forward to the future by setting new goals and making plans that excite you. Focus on your personal development, career, and hobbies. Remember that you have the power to create a fulfilling life for yourself, independent of anyone else.

6. Seek support: Lean on your support system during this time. Talk to friends, family, or a therapist who can provide guidance, perspective, and emotional support. Surround yourself with positive influences who will encourage and uplift you.

Remember, healing takes time, so be patient with yourself during this process. While it may be tough now, with self-reflection, self-care, and time, you will find closure and eventually be ready to open yourself up to new and healthier relationships in the future.

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