
When i respect women they get irritate and disrespect me, avoid and make fun of me but when i disrespect them, avoid them, treat like they treat me they try to always roam around me, tries to initiate the conversation and make eye contact and appreciate me for my work.why women behave quite strange?

It's important to remember that everyone is different and may react differently to certain behaviors. However, it's concerning that you feel like disrespecting women makes them more interested in you or gives you results you desire. Respectful and healthy relationships are built on mutual trust, understanding, and kindness.

Firstly, it's important to recognize that no one deserves to be disrespected. Treating women (or anyone) disrespectfully is not a good strategy for building healthy relationships. Instead, focus on treating everyone with kindness, empathy, and respect, regardless of their gender.

If you feel like you're being mistreated or disrespected by women when you show respect, it may be worth examining the situation more closely. Are there any patterns or common behaviors that could be causing this reaction? Are you possibly misinterpreting their actions or intentions?

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with women or anyone you're interested in. If you're unsure about their feelings or reactions, it's best to have an open conversation and ask for clarification. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and address any concerns.

Remember, building meaningful relationships takes time, effort, and genuine care. It's important to focus on developing connections based on mutual trust, shared values, effective communication, and positive interactions. Respecting others should always be the foundation of any healthy relationship.

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