
How to know women want sex from me?

It's important to approach this question with respect and understanding, as every individual is different and consent should always be a priority. While it's not possible to definitively know someone's desires without open communication, here are a few signs that might indicate a woman's interested in a sexual relationship:

1. Body language: Pay attention to her body language when you're together. Increased physical proximity, prolonged eye contact, playful touching, or subtle suggestive gestures may suggest sexual interest.

2. Verbal cues: Listen to her words. If she casually mentions sexual topics or makes innuendos during conversations, it could be an indication that she's comfortable discussing the subject and might be open to more.

3. Flirting: If she engages in playful banter, teasing, or consistently compliments your physical appearance or attractiveness, this could also be a sign of sexual interest.

4. Initiative: She takes the initiative to spend more time with you, initiates physical contact, or makes efforts to create opportunities for alone time, such as suggesting activities that can be done privately.

However, it's crucial to remember that misinterpreting signals or making assumptions can have serious consequences. The best way to approach any sexual interaction is through open, honest, and clear communication. If you're unsure about someone's intentions, it's always best to have a direct conversation about your feelings, desires, and boundaries. Respect her response, and be prepared to accept her decision either way.

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