
I love a woman but she never call and text but she talks to other person till late night. do she love me or i am in doubt that she loves me?

It can be difficult and confusing when the person you love does not communicate with you as much as you would like, while seemingly engaging with others more. However, it's important to approach the situation with an open and understanding mindset. Here are a few steps to help you gain clarity in this situation:

1. Reflect on your communication patterns: Assess and evaluate your own communication style. Are you initiating conversations regularly? Are you being clear with your needs and expectations? Make sure you are doing your part in fostering healthy communication.

2. Open and honest conversation: Talk to your partner about your concerns and express how you feel. Choose a calm and appropriate time to discuss your feelings openly. This will help you understand her perspective and give her a chance to clarify her actions.

3. Pay attention to actions and consistency: While words are important, actions often speak louder. Observe whether her actions align with her claims of love. Look for signs of affection, effort, and commitment in your relationship. Consistency in behavior can give you a good sense of her feelings towards you.

4. Consider her communication style: People have different communication preferences. It's possible that she has a different approach to communication or is simply busy with other aspects of her life. Understanding her preferred mode of communication can help you better gauge her feelings for you.

5. Trust your intuition: Trust your instincts and intuition about the relationship. If you have genuine doubts and feel consistently unloved or neglected without any resolution, it may be important to reassess the relationship.

Remember, open and honest communication is key in resolving doubts and concerns in any relationship. By expressing your feelings and concerns respectfully, you can gain a clearer understanding of where you stand with your partner.

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