
Can we feel that someone is missing me from far away without making contact and what would be the signs to know?

Yes, it is possible to sense when someone is missing you even from a distance without direct contact. Here are some signs that may indicate someone is missing your presence:

1. Intuition: Trust your gut feeling. Sometimes, you may have a strong sense or intuition that someone is missing you. This unexplained feeling can often be accurate.

2. Dreams or thoughts: If you find yourself frequently dreaming about or thinking about a specific person, it could be a sign that they are missing you. Pay attention to any recurring thoughts or dreams about them.

3. Energy and vibes: Our energy is interconnected, and it is possible to feel someone's absence energetically. If you notice a sudden shift in energy or feel a void, it could be indicative of someone missing you.

4. Unexplained emotions: You may experience unexplained emotions such as sadness, longing, or a feeling that something is missing. These emotions may be a reflection of someone missing your presence.

5. Mutual friends or acquaintances: If you hear from mutual friends or acquaintances that someone has been mentioning or asking about you, it could be a sign that they are missing you.

6. Increased communication attempts: If the person starts reaching out to you more often through various channels like text messages, emails, or social media, it could indicate that they miss being in contact with you.

7. Social media activity: If the person consistently likes, comments, or interacts with your posts, it might be a subtle way of showing that they miss you or want to maintain some connection.

It's important to remember that these signs are subjective and might not always be accurate. The best way to truly know if someone is missing you is by having an honest conversation with them. Open communication is key to understanding each other's feelings and fostering a healthier relationship.

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