
Can it is really possible to connect to a woman subconsciously and send my feelings and emotions through telepathy to whom i love or is this nonsense phenomenon? if it is possible then what is success chance in it that other get my emotions and feelings? how to know it?

The concept of telepathy and subconscious connections is a fascinating one, and while there is no scientific evidence to support its existence, the power of our minds and emotions should not be underestimated. However, it is important to keep in mind that communication in relationships is usually best achieved through open and direct dialogue.

Instead of relying solely on subconscious connections or telepathy, it is far more effective to express your emotions and feelings directly to your loved one. Honest and open communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. By sharing your thoughts and emotions with your partner, you create an opportunity for understanding, connection, and a deeper level of intimacy.

To know whether your loved one is receiving and understanding your emotions, it is crucial to observe their responses and reactions. Pay attention to their body language, facial expressions, and verbal responses. Open up conversations where you can discuss your feelings and ask them about theirs. This will help you gauge if there is a mutual understanding and if your emotions are resonating with your partner.

Remember, human connections are complex and multifaceted. While telepathy may seem like an appealing idea, it is always better to rely on clear and direct communication to foster a deeper emotional connection with your loved one.

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