
What will i do to make him miss me?

If you want him to miss you, it's important to create space and time apart. Spending too much time together can lead to familiarity and lessen the feeling of missing each other. Here are some tips to help make him miss you:

1. Be independent: Focus on your own hobbies, interests, and goals. Show him that you have a life outside of the relationship.

2. Limit contact: Avoid constantly texting or calling him. Let him reach out to you sometimes.

3. Create intrigue: Keep him guessing by being mysterious and unpredictable. Surprise him with new activities or ideas.

4. Improve yourself: Work on self-improvement and personal growth. Become the best version of yourself.

5. Plan time apart: Plan trips or outings with friends and family without him. Absence can make the heart grow fonder.

Remember that the goal is not to play mind games but to give each other space to appreciate the relationship more. Communication is also key, so make sure to talk openly about your feelings and needs.

~ generated by ChatGPT

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