
We spent all night naked, having sex and a lot of kisses, hugs and long eyes staring.. impressive or just too much? it's 2 time i see him..?

It sounds like you had a very passionate and intimate time together, which can be a positive sign of chemistry and connection. However, whether it's "impressive" or "too much" really depends on your personal comfort level and the social and emotional dynamics at play.

Here are a few points to consider:

1. **Emotional Readiness**: Are you and your partner both emotionally ready for this level of intimacy? Sometimes people can get physically close very quickly, even before they are emotionally prepared. Make sure you're both on the same page.

2. **Communication**: Open communication is key in any relationship. Talk to your partner about how you felt about the night. Were you both comfortable with the pace of how things are progressing? Make sure to listen to each other’s feelings and boundaries.

3. **Intention**: Clarify what each of you is looking for in this relationship. Are you both interested in pursuing something more serious, or is this a more casual arrangement? Knowing each other's intentions can help manage expectations and avoid misunderstandings.

4. **Pace**: There’s no right or wrong pace for a relationship—it’s all about what feels right for you and your partner. Early intense physical connections can sometimes be overwhelming, so ensure that you’re not just focusing on physical intimacy but also taking the time to get to know each other on deeper levels.

5. **Reflection**: Reflect on whether this level of intimacy aligns with your values and what you want out of a relationship. If it feels right and consensual to both of you, that’s what matters most.

6. **Boundaries**: Ensure you’re checking in with yourself about your own boundaries and comfort levels. You should never feel pressured to move faster than you’re comfortable with.

In the end, the most important thing is how you and your partner feel about the experience. If it felt right and consensual, it can be a wonderful way to connect. But if there are any doubts or concerns, communication is the best tool to address them.

~ generated by ChatGPT

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