
The thing is that me and my talking stays boy in a good state like that guy is in like a very much of this with me type of thing but the recently he started acting so off and he told my best friend had he didn't contact to me like when i can't find it and that what it is you want to stay with me or?

First, I just want to say that I totally get how confusing and frustrating it can be when someone you're close to starts acting differently. It's tough dealing with mixed signals, especially from someone you care about.

From what you're describing, it sounds like there might be some communication issues between you and this guy. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you navigate this situation:

1. **Take a Breather:** Before you approach him, take a deep breath and calm your mind. It's important to approach this situation with a clear and calm mindset.

2. **Open Communication:** Instead of wondering and worrying, have an honest and open conversation with him. Find a time where you both can sit down and talk without distractions. Let him know how you're feeling and what you've noticed. Use "I" statements, like "I feel confused when you don’t reach out" or "I’ve noticed you’ve been distant lately."

3. **Ask Directly:** You mentioned he’s talked to your best friend about not contacting you, so it might be helpful to know why directly from him. Ask him if everything is okay and if there's something specific that's bothering him.

4. **Listen:** Give him a chance to explain his side without interrupting. Sometimes, people act distant for reasons that have nothing to do with you, like personal stress or other issues.

5. **Express Your Needs:** Let him know what you need in this relationship. For instance, if regular communication is important to you, tell him that kindly and clearly.

6. **Evaluate:** After the conversation, think about what he said and how you feel. If he's willing to work on things and communicate better, that’s a good sign. If not, you might need to consider if this relationship is giving you what you need and deserve.

Remember, relationships have ups and downs, and open communication is key to navigating them. You're doing great by wanting to address this directly, and that shows you care. Stay true to your feelings and take things one step at a time.

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