I totally understand how you might feel, and it's great that you want to make home the place he looks forward to at the end of the day. Here are some tips:
1. **Create a Relaxing Atmosphere**: Make home a sanctuary where he can unwind after a long day. Think about cozy spaces, relaxing lighting, and perhaps some calming scents.
2. **Quality Time Together**: Sometimes it's not about the quantity but the quality of time you spend together. Plan some fun activities or have a "date night" at home. Cook his favorite meal, watch a movie he loves, or just have a nice conversation where you both can share your day.
3. **Show Appreciation**: A little gratitude goes a long way. Let him know you appreciate the hard work he puts in and how much you look forward to him being home. A sweet note in his lunch bag or a text during the day can make a big difference.
4. **Encourage Balance**: Gently encourage a healthy work-life balance. Maybe he doesn't realize how much time he's spending at work. It could help to talk about how taking breaks and spending time at home can actually make him more productive and happier in the long run.
5. **Plan Together**: Plan things in the future that you both can look forward to. Maybe it's a weekend getaway or even just a special dinner at a new restaurant. When he has something exciting to come home to, it'll give him something positive to look forward to after a long day.
6. **Open Communication**: Have an open and honest conversation about how you feel. Communication is key in any relationship. Express your feelings without making him feel guilty. "I miss spending time with you" can be a gentle way to open the dialogue.
Remember, the goal is to create an environment that's inviting and loving, and to strengthen your connection. Take it one step at a time, and good luck!