
How can it be solved,,if whenever talking to a wife and our sexual activities she always change the topic in a way of trying to change the topic?

It seems like there may be some discomfort or reluctance on your wife's part when it comes to discussing your sexual activities. To address this issue and improve communication, here are a few steps you can take:

1. Create a safe and comfortable environment: Find a quiet and private space where you both feel at ease. Ensure that there are no distractions or interruptions during your conversation.

2. Choose the right time: Timing is important when discussing sensitive topics. Pick a moment when you are both relaxed and have ample time to engage in a meaningful conversation without feeling rushed.

3. Express your feelings: Begin the conversation by sharing your own feelings and desires openly and honestly. Let your wife know that you value her and your relationship, and that you wish to discuss your sexual activities in order to enhance your intimacy and overall satisfaction.

4. Listen actively: As you speak, make sure to give your wife ample opportunity to express herself. Be patient, attentive, and non-judgmental while she shares her thoughts and concerns. Encourage her to be open and honest without fear of criticism.

5. Uncover underlying issues: There may be deeper reasons why your wife changes the topic when discussing sexual activities. Explore whether there are any underlying concerns, insecurities, or past experiences that may be affecting her comfort level with this topic. Be empathetic and understanding throughout the conversation.

6. Seek professional help if needed: If the issue persists or becomes increasingly challenging to resolve on your own, consider seeking professional help from a couples counselor or sex therapist. These experts can provide guidance, offer strategies, and facilitate productive discussions to address any underlying issues impacting your sexual communication.

Remember that open and honest communication is the key to building a strong and healthy relationship. By creating a safe and understanding atmosphere, actively listening to one another, and seeking support if necessary, you can work together to overcome any barriers and deepen your connection.

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