
Will he come back after zero contact rule?

It's difficult to say with certainty whether he will come back after implementing the no contact rule, as every situation is unique. However, the intention of the no contact rule is to create space and allow both individuals to heal and gain clarity.

During this time, focus on self-improvement and personal growth. This means taking care of your emotional well-being, exploring new hobbies, and reconnecting with friends and loved ones. The no contact rule can be effective in gaining perspective and giving both parties time to reflect on the relationship.

If both individuals genuinely miss each other and realize the value of the relationship, there is a possibility of reconciliation. However, it's essential not to solely rely on this hope. Use the time apart to evaluate your own needs and desires in a relationship.

Ultimately, communication is key. If you both decide to reach out after the no contact period, have an open and honest conversation about your feelings, concerns, and expectations for the relationship moving forward. Remember to be patient and understanding, as rebuilding trust and connection often takes time.

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