
How do you change a clutch on a mark 2 escort?

1. First, park the car on an even surface and ensure it is turned off.
2. Remove the battery and the air filter assembly from the engine.
3. Disconnect the hydraulic line and the drive shaft from the transmission.
4. Support the transmission either with a jack or with an engine lift.
5. Remove the bolts and the crossmember that support the transmission.
6. Lower the transmission from its position to access the clutch.
7. Loosen the bolts that hold the clutch to the flywheel of the engine.
8. Remove the clutch and replace it with the new one.
9. Reinstall everything back in its original position and make sure all bolts are tightened to manufacturer specifications.
(Note: These steps are general and may vary slightly depending on the specific model and year of the Mark 2 Escort.)

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