
What order should i check things to find starting problems?

When having starting problems, it is best to check the following in order:

1. Check the battery: Make sure the battery is fully charged and the terminals are clean and connected properly. A weak or dead battery can cause starting problems.

2. Check the starter: If the battery is good, check the starter motor. A problem with the starter motor can cause a clicking sound or no response when turning the key.

3. Check the fuel system: If the starter is working, but the engine doesn't start, check the fuel system. A clogged fuel filter, fuel injectors, or fuel pump can cause starting issues.

4. Check the ignition system: If the engine cranks but doesn't start, check the ignition system. A faulty ignition coil, spark plugs, or spark plug wires can cause starting problems.

5. Check the engine timing: If the engine cranks but doesn't start, and the ignition system is good, check the engine timing. Timing that is off can cause starting problems.

By checking these steps in order, you can diagnose and fix the problem with starting your car.

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