
What problems are there work 80s ford rangers?

There are several common problems associated with 1980s Ford Rangers, including:

1. Fuel System Issues: The fuel system in these trucks tends to be problematic. Common issues include clogged fuel filters, fuel pumps that fail to deliver enough fuel to the engine, or fuel injectors that become clogged or malfunction.

2. Electrical Problems: Electrical problems are common in older vehicles, including Ford Rangers. The problems may arise from the alternator, starter and battery.

3. Transmission: These trucks may experience transmission problems. These problems may include slipping, difficulty shifting, or complete failure.

4. Rust: Ford Rangers of this era may be prone to rusting, particularly in areas where road salt is used in winter.

5. Engine Overheating: Engines in Ford Rangers may overheat due to a variety of issues, including a malfunctioning coolant system, clogged radiator, or use of the incorrect coolant.

6. Suspension and Steering Issues: The suspension system of these trucks may become worn and need replacement. The power steering system may also malfunction and need repair.

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