
1.4i vw polo classic making noise on crank shaft and has no power?

The noise coming from the crankshaft could be due to a number of issues, including worn bearings, a damaged crankshaft, or a loose flywheel. The lack of power could also be caused by several factors, including a clogged air filter, a faulty fuel pump, or an issue with the engine's timing.

For the noise issue, a mechanic would likely need to inspect the vehicle to determine the exact cause. If it is found to be a worn bearing or damaged crankshaft, it may need to be replaced. If it is a loose flywheel, it may need to be tightened or replaced.

For the lack of power issue, you can start by examining the air filter and replacing it if it is dirty or clogged. If this does not solve the problem, the fuel pump may be the cause and may need to be replaced. In some cases, the engine's timing may also need to be adjusted. It is important to have a trained professional diagnose and fix any issues to prevent further damage to the vehicle.

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