
How to wire ignition to starter?

Wiring the ignition to the starter involves connecting the ignition switch and starter solenoid with a wire. The ignition switch is located in the steering column and is responsible for controlling the flow of electricity to the starter solenoid, which in turn engages the starter motor to crank the engine.

Follow these steps to wire ignition to the starter:

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery.

2. Locate the ignition switch wiring harness, which is usually found underneath the steering column.

3. Find the wire that connects the ignition switch to the starter solenoid. This wire is usually red or purple.

4. Connect one end of a jumper wire to the ignition switch wire and the other end to the starter solenoid wire.

5. Reconnect the negative battery cable to the battery.

6. Test the wiring by turning the ignition key to the "Start" position. If the starter engages and cranks the engine, the wiring is correct.

Remember to always exercise caution when working on electrical components in a car, and make sure to disconnect the battery before beginning any work.

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