
How to wire ignition on 1977 car?

Here are the steps to wire the ignition on a 1977 car:

1. Disconnect the battery to prevent any accidents while wiring the ignition.
2. Locate the ignition switch. It is typically located on the steering column or dashboard.
3. Identify the ignition wires. There are typically four wires that connect to the ignition switch– a black wire for ground, a red wire for power, a yellow wire for starter, and a purple wire to supply power to the ignition circuit.
4. Connect the black wire to the negative terminal of the battery or any ground location on the car.
5. Connect the red wire to the positive terminal of the battery or to a fused power source that is always on.
6. Connect the yellow wire to the starter solenoid and the purple wire to the positive side of the ignition coil.
7. Connect any additional wires required by the vehicle's wiring diagram.
8. Reconnect the battery and test the ignition.
9. Turn the ignition switch on and make sure all the electrical systems function properly.

Always refer to the vehicle's wiring diagram for proper wire identification and connection points.

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