
Ford ranger 2.2 won't start ,not opening injectors?

If your Ford Ranger 2.2 won't start and the injectors are not opening, then there may be several reasons that can cause this problem. Here are some possible explanations for this issue:

1) Fuel pump failure: The fuel pump may not be delivering enough fuel pressure to the injectors to start the engine. Check the fuel pump pressure to ensure that it is functioning properly.

2) Clogged fuel filter: A clogged fuel filter can restrict the flow of fuel to the injectors, preventing the engine from starting. Replace the fuel filter and check if the vehicle starts.

3) Faulty fuel injectors: The fuel injectors may not be functioning properly, preventing the fuel from getting into the engine. You can get an OBD scanner and check if there are any fault codes related to the injectors.

4) Bad crankshaft position sensor: The crankshaft position sensor provides the engine's position to the ECU, which determines when to fire the injectors. If this sensor is faulty or damaged, the engine may not start.

5) Faulty ECU: In some cases, a faulty ECU can prevent the injectors from opening, which can prevent the engine from starting. You can try resetting the ECU by disconnecting the battery for a few minutes and reconnecting it.

It's always a good practice to get your car diagnosed by a professional if the problem persists, as they can confirm the issue and diagnose the root cause of it.

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