
I connected my generator to my solar inverter but it isnt detecting the incoming power. why?

There could be a few different reasons why your solar inverter isn't detecting the incoming power from your generator. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Incorrect wiring: Make sure that the wires connecting your generator to your solar inverter are connected correctly. Ensure that the polarity is correct (positive to positive, negative to negative) and that the wiring is secure.

2. Generator capacity: Check that the capacity of your generator is compatible with your solar inverter. If the generator capacity is too small, it may not be able to power your solar inverter.

3. Inverter settings: Ensure that the settings on your solar inverter are set to detect the incoming power from the generator. Read the user manual carefully to ensure you have selected the right settings.

4. Faulty equipment: If you've checked all of the above and the solar inverter still isn't detecting the incoming power from the generator, then it may be a problem with the equipment. Check the device for any visible damage or malfunctioning components.

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