
How do i change my car tire?

Follow these steps to change your car tire:

1. Find a flat, safe location to change your tire. Turn on your hazard lights and use a wheel wedge or other item to block the tire opposite the flat.

2. Get your tools ready. You will need a lug wrench, jack, and spare tire. These are usually located in the trunk or underneath the vehicle.

3. Loosen the lug nuts. Use the lug wrench to turn the nuts counterclockwise but don't remove them yet.

4. Raise the vehicle. Place the jack under a recommended jacking point and pump it up until the flat tire is about 6 inches off the ground.

5. Remove the lug nuts and flat tire. Finish removing the lug nuts and carefully pull the flat tire off the wheel base.

6. Put on the spare tire. Gently slide the spare tire onto the wheel base and hand tighten the lug nuts.

7. Lower the vehicle to the ground. Use the jack to lower the vehicle back down to the ground.

8. Tighten the lug nuts. Use the lug wrench to tighten the lug nuts as much as possible in a star pattern.

9. Check the tire pressure. Make sure the spare tire has enough air pressure.

10. Put away your tools and drive carefully. Remember that a spare tire is not meant for extended use, so have the flat repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

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