
Can mercedes w210 e200 use mb236.17 transmission fluid?

No, the Mercedes W210 E200 should not use MB236.17 transmission fluid. The recommended transmission fluid for the W210 E200 is the Mercedes-Benz 236.10 type, also known as ATF 134. This specific transmission fluid is designed for the 5-speed automatic transmission used in the W210 E200.

Using the incorrect transmission fluid can potentially lead to issues such as improper shifting, decreased transmission performance, and premature wear and damage to the transmission components. Therefore, it is crucial to use the recommended transmission fluid specified by the manufacturer to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the transmission.

If you are unsure about the correct transmission fluid for your specific model of the Mercedes W210 E200, it is always best to consult the vehicle's owner's manual or contact a reputable Mercedes-Benz dealership or authorized service center for accurate information.

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