
Is using mb236.15 tramsmission fluid for w210 e200 cause jerk when put in d or r, and only can run with only first gear?

Using the incorrect transmission fluid in a vehicle can definitely lead to various transmission-related issues, including jerking when putting the car in drive or reverse, as well as being stuck in first gear. In the case of a W210 E200, the recommended transmission fluid is typically the Mercedes Benz Type A or Type F fluid.

MB236.15 transmission fluid is specifically designed for newer Mercedes Benz models, and using it in an older W210 E200 could result in incompatible viscosity or chemical composition. This mismatch can lead to improper lubrication, inadequate clutch engagement, and ultimately cause the symptoms you described.

To resolve the issue, it is essential to drain the incorrect transmission fluid completely from the system and replace it with the appropriate fluid. In this case, it would be best to use the Mercedes Benz Type A or Type F fluid, as recommended by the manufacturer. It is important to follow the manufacturer's specifications for fluid type and fill level to ensure optimal performance and prevent further damage to the transmission.

If you are not comfortable performing the fluid replacement yourself, I would recommend reaching out to a qualified mechanic or a specialized transmission shop to have the correct fluid replaced in your W210 E200. They will have the necessary expertise and equipment to ensure the correct fluid is used and that it is properly flushed and refilled.

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