
Front driver side rotational squeaking and clunking. squeaking stops when brakes are pressed?

The symptoms you described seem to point towards a potential issue with the brake system or the suspension components on the front driver side of your vehicle.

The rotational squeaking that stops when the brakes are pressed could indicate that there may be worn brake pads or brake hardware causing the noise. When the brakes are applied, the pressure could be temporarily reducing the movement of the worn brake components, leading to the squeaking stopping while braking.

The clunking sound you mentioned could be related to worn suspension components such as the control arms, ball joints, or bushings. These parts can deteriorate over time and can produce clunking noises, especially when the vehicle is in motion or going over bumps.

It is recommended to have a qualified mechanic inspect the front driver side brake system and suspension components to accurately diagnose and address the issue. Ignoring brake or suspension problems can lead to further damage and compromise the safety and performance of your vehicle.

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